Announcements April 6th – 9th
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2021-2022 student senate officer applications and petitions are available in the office or in Mrs. Raker’s classroom (room 113) beginning on Tuesday, March 30. In order to be eligible to run for an officer position, you are required to have been in student senate for at least one year. Completed applications and petitions are due to Mrs. Raker by 3:30 PM on Thursday, April 8.
SENIORS! There will be a senior ‘zoom’ meeting during GST on Wednesday, April 7. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND, as we will discuss important information regarding graduation, Prom, etc. WATCH YOUR EMAIL for the zoom link as it gets closer!
Seniors: your pictures were due last week. If you have not gotten them in yet, I need them ASAP. See Mrs. Edwards in Room 110 if you have any questions.
BLOOD DRIVE will be tomorrow, April 7th from 10AM – 1 PM in the West Gym. You can sign up during lunch, or stop at the nurse’s office. Anyone age 16 and over is eligible!
Congratulations to the Girls Track Team for a 3rd Place finish out of 12 teams at the West Delaware Invitational.
PROM tickets are available tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday this week and Monday-Wednesday next week. They are $30 and are available during lunch shifts. Picture forms will be available when I get them from photographer…..Questions, see or email Ms Wiggins rm 214