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Board of Education

Because the board is a governmental body, it can take action only by a majority vote at a legally called meeting. The individual board member’s major responsibility is to study, evaluate and, after consideration, vote in the interests of all students. School Board members are guardians of the public trust and through the policies they make, they establish the standards and philosophy by which district schools are run. Their ultimate responsibility is to determine the criteria used to evaluate how well the schools are run.

The key roles and responsibilities of the school board are to:

  • Hire and evaluate the superintendent
  • Approve the district budget
  • Establish goals and evaluate outcomes
  • Adopt and evaluate policies
  • Delegate administrative responsibilities
  • Communicate with the community
Board meetings will be held on the first and third Monday in March; the third Monday in July, August, September, October, November, December, January, May, June; the second Monday in February and April. Meetings will begin at 5:30 p.m. Below are the tentative board meeting dates:
  • July 17, 2023
  • August 21, 2023
  • September 18, 2023
  • October 16, 2023
  • November 20, 2023
  • December 18, 2023
  • January 22, 2024
  • February 12, 2024
  • March 4, 2024
  • March 18, 2024
  • April 8, 2024
  • May 20, 2024
  • June 17, 2024

Board Members

Specific board members can be reached below via email or send a general question/comment via our online School Board form.

Board President Michael Hayward

Michael Hayward

Board President
Email Michael

Mary Herring Headshot Image

Mary Herring

Board Vice President
Email Mary

Staff Photo Fill-In-01-01

Greg Bopes

Board Member
Email Greg

Terry Creegan headshot image

Terry Creegan

Board Member
Email Terry

Tom Miller Headshot Image

Tom Miller

Board member
Email Tom

Agendas & Minutes

10.16.23 Regular Meeting  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

9.25.23 Regular Meeting | Agenda | Minutes

09.13.2023 Special Meeting & Work Session  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08.23.2023  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08.14.2023 Work Session - Board Session with IASB  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08.08.2023 Work Session - Facilities | Agenda | Minutes

08.08.2023 Special Meeting  | Agenda | Minutes

07.27.2023 Special Meeting  | Agenda | Minutes

07.10.2023  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

06/27/2023  |  Agenda  |  Work Session |  Minutes

06/19/2023  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

06/19/2023  |  Agenda  |  Maquoketa/Delwood Joint Meeting | Minutes

06/07/2023  | Agenda   | Work Session  |  Minutes

05/15/2023  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/02/2023  |  Agenda |  Special Meeting  |  Minutes

04/17/2023  |  Agenda |  Work Session-Facilities | Minutes

04/17/2023  |  AgendaMinutes

03/23/2023  |  Agenda |  Minutes  |  SIAC Meeting

03/20/2023  |  AgendaMinutes

03/06/2023  |  Agenda |  Work Session | Minutes

03/06/2023  |  AgendaMinutes

02/13/2023  |  Agenda |  Andrew/Maquoketa Joint Meeting | Minutes

02/13/2023  |  AgendaMinutes

02/01/2023  |  Agenda |  Special Meeting | Minutes

01/23/2023  |  AgendaMinutes

01/04/2023  |  AgendaMinutes

12/19/2022  |  AgendaMinutes

12/12/2022  |  AgendaMinutes

11/21/2022  |  Agenda |  Organizational Meeting |  Minutes

11/21/2022  |  Agenda |  Annual Meeting  |  Minutes

11/21/2022  |  Agenda |  Work Session  |  Minutes

11/16/2022  |  Agenda

10/20/2022  | Agenda  |  Minutes

10/17/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

09/22/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

09/19/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

09/14/2022  |  Agenda  |  Work Session

09/08/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/15/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/19/2022  |  Agenda  |  Work Session 

07/18/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/05/2022  |  Agenda  |  Work Session

07/19/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/27/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

07/29/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/16/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

08/16/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/26/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

09/09/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Noon Special Meeting

09/09/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  5 PM Special Meeting

09/16/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Noon Special Meeting

09/20/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

10/18/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

10/25/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

11/15/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

11/22/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes |  Annual Meeting

11/22/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Organizational Meeting

12/13/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

12/14/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

12/17/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

01/07/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

01/17/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/14/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/28/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

03/05/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

03/07/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes |  Special Meeting

03/09/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

03/21/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes |  Andrew Joint Meeting

03/21/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Budget Workshop

04/11/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/10/2022  |  Agenda  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

05/16/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/27/2022  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

06/13/2022 |  Agenda  |  Minutes |

07/13/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

07/13/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/23/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

07/27/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/06/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/17/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/26/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

09/21/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

10/19/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

11/16/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

11/16/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

11/26/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Annual and Organizational Meeting

12/16/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Work Session

12/21/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

01/07/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

01/18/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/03/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

02/08/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Andrew Joint Meeting

02/08/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/10/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

03/01/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/15/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Budget Workshop

03/29/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Opening Negotiations w/MEA

03/29/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Opening Negotiations w/MEA

03/29/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

03/31/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

04/12/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

04/27/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Exempt Session (CANCELLED)

05/03/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

05/11/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

05/17/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/21/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Bus Driver Initial Proposal 

05/21/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

06/01/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

06/21/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

06/30/2021  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

07/15/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/30/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/12/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/19/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/28/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

09/16/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

09/27/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

10/10/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes #1  |  Minutes #2  |  Special Meeting

10/16/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Work Session  

10/21/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

11/12/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes #1  |  Minutes #2  |  Special Meeting

11/18/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

11/18/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

11/20 & 21/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Open Work Session

11/25/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

12/11/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Work Session and Facilities Meeting

12/11/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

12/16/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Annual Meeting

12/16/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Organizational and Regular Meeting

01/20/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  IASB Training Work Session

01/29/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Exempt Session

01/20/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

01/27/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

02/10/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Andrew Joint Meeting

02/10/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Negotiations w/MEA

02/10/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Negotiations w/MCSD

02/10/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/25/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

02/26/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting (Cancelled)

03/02/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/16/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Budget Workshop

04/13/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/04/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

05/18/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/27/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Exempt Session 

06/01/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

06/15/2020  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/16/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/02/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/07/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/20/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/28/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Amended Minutes  |  Special Meeting

09/17/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Annual Meeting

09/24/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

10/15/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

10/22/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes #1  |  Minutes #2  |  Special Meeting

11/19/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

11/19/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

12/17/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

01/02/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

01/21/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/11/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Andrew Joint Meeting

02/11/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/04/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/18/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Budget Workshop

03/29/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

04/08/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/01/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

05/13/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/16/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

06/17/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

06/17/2019  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/17/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/21/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

09/07/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

09/18/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Annual Meeting

09/18/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Organizational Meeting

09/28/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes #1  |  Minutes #2  |  Minutes #3  |  Special Meeting Possible Expulsion

10/09/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

10/16/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

10/23/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

11/20/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

11/20/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

11/27/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

12/18/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

01/15/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

01/18/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

02/12/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/12/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Andrew Joint Meeting

03/05/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/19/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Budget Workshop

04/04/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

04/11/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting Principal Interviews

04/25/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/11/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

05/30/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

06/18/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

06/18/2018  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

07/18/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

08/09/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

08/15/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

09/19/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Annual Meeting

10/13/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

10/17/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

10/26/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

10/28/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

11/08/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

11/21/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Delwood Joint Meeting

11/21/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

12/19/2016  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

12/19/2016  |  Agenda  Minutes #1  |  Minutes #2  |  Open Sessions

01/09/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Andrew Joint Meeting

01/23/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

02/13/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/06/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/20/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

03/22/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

03/30/2017  |  Agenda  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

03/30/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

04/10/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/01/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes  |  Special Meeting

05/15/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

05/30/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes |  Special Meeting

06/05/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes |  Special Meeting

06/19/2017  |  Agenda  |  Minutes

Board Policy

 District Purpose Statement
“The Maquoketa Community School District, in full partnership with the community, is committed to providing life-long learning opportunities which enable all learners to develop their potential. All students will learn to communicate, work both independently and with others, and manage change.

The Board of Education believes that it is the responsibility of the schools to provide maximum learning opportunities for all the children in the community, and for adult members of the community when a need is identified. There shall be no discrimination against any student because of race, color, religion, physical disability, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or social class.

The Board of Education further believes that all students can succeed.

Students should be active participants in the learning process. It is the function of the educational program to provide students with opportunities for obtaining the skills, knowledge, and orientations, which enable them to be contributing members in their families and their communities. For some students, this will mean thorough preparation for further formal education. For others, it will mean basic general information plus the attainment of certain vocational skills and experience.

For more information, please see the full MCSD Board Policy Manual.  *****The District is currently transitioning to a new website and policy system. To review any recent policy updates, please contact the Central Office.

District Brochure
District Brochure