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The Middle School strives to provide a balanced curriculum that builds upon foundational skills, includes multiple opportunities for creativity and exploration while allowing for an celebrating individual differences. A significant amount of time has been committed to the development of the following Belief Statements:
At the Maquoketa Middle School, we support learning that…
- is process driven (learning how to learn)
- builds on rigorous and relevant content and skills
- focuses on a student-centered environment
- uses multiple resources and assessments
- integrates technology
- involves and empowers students
- believes that change is constant
The teaching staff is organized into four teams with each having a common planning time. This arrangement enhances communication and allows teachers to work together more effectively. It has also allowed for the development of a more integrated curriculum. The intent of this approach is to help students see the connections between traditional content areas. In addition, a greater emphasis has been placed upon providing opportunities for students to apply what they are learning in a “real-world” setting. This is sometimes achieved by setting up a simulated experience in which students assume “roles” in a working environment. Sometimes it is achieved by actually linking with organizations and businesses within the community.
Core classes at the middle school consist of: Reading, Writing, Math, Algebra, Pre-Algebra, Social Studies, Science, Integrated Studies, Creative Applications and Physical Education. Exploratory classes include General Music, Exploring the Arts, Creative Expression, Industrial Technology, Family and Consumer Science, Computer Applications, Introduction to French, Introduction to Spanish, Art and Media resources. Band and Chorus are the two elective courses offered at the Middle School.
The physical education classes will meet every other day for 77 minutes for the seventh and eighth graders, 65 minutes for sixth graders. At least 30 minutes of that time will be spent in aerobic activity and the remainder will be spent in various other activities and health related issues. Our goal is to help our students start to develop health lifestyles that will continue throughout their lifetime. Students will need to bring appropriate gym clothes (shorts, shirt, gym shoes, towel or sweats). On occasion, they will also need pencils, notebooks and folders. Grades will be based on their performance, written work and attitudes. Activities to be included in the program are volleyball, weight lifting, etc. Some health related issues are CPR, fitness and health, fitness and nutrition, fitness and stress, human sexuality and drug awarenes.
Exploratory – 6 week class – 6-7th graders
The purpose of this class is to introduce the student to the five main areas of this discipline: personal and family relations, foods and nutrition, clothing, housing and management.
6th grade will explore sewing machine operations and food preparation.
7th grade will include units in housing, purchasing and caring of clothing and clothing construction.
During the students career here at the middle school, they will use many pieces of kitchen equipment such as a stove, oven, electric mixer, electric skillet, blender, dishwasher, and microwave. They will also use the washer and dryer, a conventional sewing machine and a Serger sewing machine. Many hands on project type activities are done in the classes.
A required class for all 6th & 7th grade middle school students.
6th grade general music class will meet everyday for 6 weeks (30 days). This class will offer opportunities for understanding and experiences in reading, writing, playing, moving, creating and performing music. If you would like more of an emphasis on vocal skills, you will need to join chorus.
7th grade general music class will meet everyday for 6 weeks (30 days). This class will offer opportunities for understanding and experiences in playing the guitar. Students who would like more of an emphasis on vocal skills should join chorus.
Chorus is an optional class that all students may take during middle school. 6th, 7th and 8th graders who enjoy singing and would like to learn how to sing better should join chorus. Chorus members rehearse every other day during school and will perform three times during the year. Chorus will offer you a chance to meet friends, people who like to sing as you do, and at the same time prepare you for the vocal changes that naturally happen during middle school years. All students are welcome to join.