Please Post 6-30-21
Briggs Elementary
K-12 Instructional Strategist II: ID
2021-2022 School Year
- Proper Department of Education certification (K-12 Instructional Strategist II: ID) or current Strat 1 with willingness to gain Strat II certification.
- An understanding of the unique needs of grades 3-5 elementary special education students and a strong desire to work with elementary level students
Preference will be given to the candidate who:
- Possesses the best qualifications and trainings to meet the needs of the students
- Has a working knowledge of strategies to meet the behavior and academic goals of special education students and Building Initiatives (PLC/PBIS/LIM)
- Presents the strongest interview
- Experience implementing Iowa Core Essential Elements and the Dynamic Learning Maps Assessment
- Evidence of being collaborative, has a growth mindset and is flexible
- Enter IEP data in accordance with IEP including meeting timelines for data entry
- Plan, provide or facilitate the academic instruction, behavior accommodations and/or the health needs according to student IEPs
- Supervise and oversee the daily schedule of special education associate
- Work collaboratively with students and staff to meet the building and districtwide initiatives
- As per job description
Rate of Compensation:
- As per 2021-22 Teachers Master Contract
Apply online at: